Training Title: New Ethical Standards in the Use of Technology - and Dangers! (Part 1)
Clock Hours: 1
Objectives: By the time you complete this course, you should be able to:
• Recognize the power of licensing and regulatory boards in our clinical decision-making.
• Become aware of regulations regarding providing therapy services across state lines.
• Understand the importance of reading our professional codes of ethics.
• Recognize the ethical implications arising in the areas of delivery of services, privacy, confidentiality, and boundaries.
• Recognize the three distinct standards of care in the use of cyber technology.
Description: For many clinicians, cybertechnology has become the principal tool in delivering services and communicating with patients. New technologies are developing and changing so rapidly that all the mental health professions are scrambling to develop standards of care to keep up.
Developed to provide clinicians with guidelines for decision making, these standards become incorporated into the licensing statutes, regulations and professional codes of ethics of all the mental health professions. And while the purpose of these guidelines is to protect the public, woe unto the clinician who has to face his or her licensing board for lapses in judgment.
Dr. Frederic Reamer discusses these standards and our ethical conundrums with us.
Keywords: Ethics, boundaries, technology
Approval Bodies
Association of Social Work Boards Approved Continuing Education (ACE)
CAADE - California Association for Alcohol/Drug Educators
California Association of DUI Treatment Programs (CADTP)
California Board of Registered Nursing
California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP)
Florida Board of Nursing
Florida Board of Psychology
Florida Dept. of Health (Board of Social Work, Marriage & Family, Mental Health Counseling)
Illinois Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc. 07/20-22 (S)
Illinois Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc. 2022-2024 -&- 2024-2026 (CT)
Illinois Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc. 2022-2024 -&- 2024-2026 (CW)
NAADAC, National Association for Addiction Professionals
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