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Training Full Description

Training Title:
OSHA - Bloodborne Pathogens v.6

Clock Hours: 1

After completing this course, participants should be able to: • Explain common bloodborne pathogens, their symptoms, and modes of transmission • Identify the regulatory text and the organization plan • Analyze tasks which may put you at risk and use of engineering controls, work practices, and personal protective equipment to reduce your risk • Describe the hepatitis B vaccine • Demonstrate the actions you should take and persons to contact in an emergency involving blood or other potentially infectious materials • Recognize signs, labels and color coding associated with biohazards

This course presents key information; covering bloodborne pathogens, including protection, prevention, and reporting. This course is designed for general audiences, however, details will be provided for healthcare professionals at specific points of this training as well. The goal of this course is to provide information that helps increase employee awareness and knowledge of bloodborne pathogens and to further promote safety, protection, and prevention practices.

Approval Bodies

  • Professional Development

Price: $0.00


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