Training Title: Psychiatric Medications in Behavioral Healthcare: Module 1
Clock Hours: 1
Objectives: After completing this course, participants should be able to:
• Identify at least five medications used to treat psychotic and extrapyramidal symptoms, and describe the therapeutic effects and the side effects associated with medications in each category.
• Identify at least five antipsychotic and anti-extrapyramidal medications, and describe the benefits of those medications.
• Learn the life-threatening effects of antipsychotic medications.
• Recognize the relationship between the antipsychotic and anti-extrapyramidal categories of medications.
Description: This course presents an overview of psychiatric medications used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. These medications are also referred to as psychotropic medications. We will cover categories of medication, therapeutic effects, side effects, precautions, and some of the issues associated with adherence to medication treatment. Module 1 focuses on medications for psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, brief psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, major depression, and other psychotic reactions. The modules also reviews medications to treat the extrapyramidal side effects of these medications.
Psychiatric medication, medicine, drugs, antipsychotic, schizophrenia, psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, psychotic, extrapyramidal side effects, anti-extrapyramidal.
Approval Bodies
Association of Social Work Boards Approved Continuing Education (ACE)
CAADE - California Association for Alcohol/Drug Educators
California Association of DUI Treatment Programs (CADTP)
California Board of Registered Nursing
California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP)
Florida Board of Nursing
Florida Board of Psychology
Florida Dept. of Health (Board of Social Work, Marriage & Family, Mental Health Counseling)
NAADAC, National Association for Addiction Professionals
National Board for Certified Counselors
Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board 2022
Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board 2023-2025
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