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Training Full Description

Training Title:
Manager Series: Hire and Retain the Right People in the First Place

Clock Hours: 0.5

After completing this course, learners should be able to: • Understand the importance of having engaged employees who are engaged in the success of the company • Able to construct an interview which identifies whether or not the applicant has the skills, attitude and passion to become an engaged employee • Add a program of on-boarding to the usual orientation of new employees so that new people achieve a level of social comfort which allows them to learn and contribute

Finding the right person for the job can be difficult. Hear how to find and retain employees who can become high performers. It focuses on the job interview; the primary tool used in 90% of hiring decisions and how it can more consistently identify positive applicant suitability. In addition the course discusses on-boarding and finally the importance of looking at the hiring process from a quality improvement point of view. Keywords: high performing staff; effective applicant interviews; standards for selecting employees; improving interviewing skills; on-boarding

Approval Bodies

  • Professional Development

Price: $0.00


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