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Training Full Description

Training Title:
Personal Protective Equipment in the Care of Patients in Isolation

Clock Hours: 1

After completing this course, participants should be able to: • Describe the recommended PPE for use when treating patients with an infectious disease • Explain the role of each person in the donning and doffing procedures • Identify the steps for donning PPE • Identify the steps for doffing PPE • List the sources for obtaining additional information on proper use of PPE

The goal of this course is to explain the procedures for putting on and taking off personal protective equipment when working with a patient in isolation with an infectious disease, including the Ebola virus. The step by step instructions in this course are taken from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, 2014 guidelines and do not supersede any specific procedures which have been implemented at your facility. Keywords: Personal Protective Equipment, PPE, Infectious Disease, CDC Guidelines, Ebola, Don, Doff, N95, PAPR

Approval Bodies

  • Professional Development

Price: $0.00


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