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Training Full Description

Training Title:
Problem Solving for the Behavioral Professional

Clock Hours: 1

After completing this course, participants should be able to: • Define key terms in problem-solving such as purpose, problem, solvable cause, and solution • Describe five problem solving question types • Describe the steps in the problem-solving process and how active listening is used throughout • Identify barriers to communication and problem solving with individuals experiencing mental illness symptoms such as psychotic symptoms, disordered thoughts, and lack of awareness of illness • List possible strategies for the behavior professionals and clients for coping with mental illness

Problem solving is the essence of the therapeutic relationship. Problem solving, while seemingly simple, is a complex process, particularly when dealing with someone who has a mental illness. A goal of a behavioral professional is to help the client manage situations and events around them in a more effective manner and to understand the role their feelings play in their reactions. This course is designed to define the problem solving process in general and to suggest some specific strategies for working with mental health consumers. At the conclusion of this course, you will have strategies to apply to your practice and ways to better problem solve with your clients. Keywords: Problem solving, strategies, hallucinations, delusions, behavior, questions, LEAP, active listening, communication, barriers

Approval Bodies

  • California Association of DUI Treatment Programs (CADTP)
  • California Board of Registered Nursing
  • Florida Board of Psychology
  • National Board for Certified Counselors

Price: $0.00


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