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Training Full Description

Training Title:
Accident Investigation v.2

Clock Hours: 1

At the completion of this course, you should be able to: • Distinguish whether an accident is categorized as critical or secondary • Recall who should be involved in the investigation • Recall actions and items that can cause or contribute to accidents • List the steps to perform an accident investigation

A successful accident investigation determines not only what happened, but also how and why an accident occurred. Comprehensive documentation and record keeping of all accidents can be a valuable tool in the investigation and accident prevention process. The ultimate goal of an investigation is to prevent a similar or perhaps more disastrous sequence of events from occurring in the future, keeping all employees safe in their work environments. Keywords: slips, trips, falls, accident, investigation, safety, near miss, initial response, information gathering, background information, analysis, conclusion, reporting

Approval Bodies

  • Professional Development

Price: $0.00


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