Training Title: Supervision: Workplace Ethics for Supervisors v.2
Clock Hours: 1
Objectives: At the completion of this course, you should be able to:
• Explain ethics and morality and the importance of workplace ethics
• Recognize the value of the laws and a code of conduct and ethics policy
• Demonstrate ethical values with co-workers and customers
• Identify examples, causes, signs, and problem areas of unethical behavior
• Evaluate making ethical decisions
• Apply ethical responsibilities
Description: This course provides an overview of ethics and morality; ethics in the workplace; examples of ethical issues; laws and ethical guidelines; ethical values and character traits to acquire when working with co-workers and customers; how and why employees might behave unethically and what situations are more vulnerable for stimulating unethical behavior; the process to making ethical decisions and the questions to ask to determine the ethical choice; and methods for ethical supervision and managing workplace ethics.
Keywords: Ethics, Workplace Ethics, Employees, Supervisors, Ethical Values, Ethical Issues, Laws, Legal Requirements, Ethical Guidelines, Unethical Behavior, Ethical Decision-Making, Code of Conduct, Ethics Policy, Ethical Supervision, Managing Workplace Ethics, Corporate Compliance
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